I am a transnational poet, theorist, and artist, author of fifteen books, from The Seven Voices (O Books 1998) to Livestream (Shearsman 2023), and of many poetry chapbooks and many essays on art, ethics, interpretation, and cultural power. US born and having also lived in Europe, the Middle East, and Malaysia, I now live in Aotearoa/New Zealand. I perform talks and sound art internationally, and I regularly collaborate with musicians and movement artists.

With a background in digital arts, modernism, and poetics, including inaugurating the theory of literary “deformance” in my 1997 PhD, I taught at several US universities and gained tenure at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee before moving outside the US again in 2006 to raise my child elsewhere and to foster the transnational imperatives of my work. I teach writing, theory, performance studies, and paper and digital literatures at the University of Auckland.

The Electronic Poetry Center and pennsound feature author pages that include my audio versions of Tomorrowland (Shearsman 2009) and Tender Girl (Dusie 2015; in Serbian Mekana Devojka, translator Milan Pupezin, Partizanska 2022); a 2017 art film of Tomorrowland (director Wes Tank) is on youtube; Symphony for Human Transport is a Guardian best poetry book of 2017; and in 2024 punctum books will publish my selected essays, Imagining what we don’t know: creative theory and critical bodies.